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Purchase your copy of one Highway Revival's latest CD's or

Donate to help HR stay on the road!

Samples of some of the songs from each CD can be heard on the "Music" page. Click on the pictures to enlarge for more information.

"One of These Days"

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button


(Plus $3.00 Shipping & Handling)

"Favorite Songs, Then & Now"


(Plus $3.00 Shipping & Handling)

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

"Better Get Ready"

"He Makes a Way"

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

(Plus $3.00 Shipping & Handling)


PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

(Plus $3.00 Shipping & Handling)


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Message of Christmas cover CD.jpg

(Plus $3.00 Shipping & Handling)


"The Message of Christmas"

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Flash Drive

All HR songs on one Flash drive!!!


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"The Journey Home"


(Plus $3.00 Shipping & Handling)

The Journey Home
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
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"Something Out of Nothing"

Coming Soon!

Click on the "Donate" button

if you want to help Highway Revival stay on the road!

(Indicate whether you want the money to go towards the VAN FUND, or Fuel and Travel Expenses.)

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Thank you for your support!

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